Over the course of his coaching career, Mr. Clark has had the privilege of providing one-on-one coaching to twelve different national champions in both Team Policy and Parli. One way to gauge the effectiveness of his coaching is by looking at the Final Fours, i.e., the semifinals or finals of Team Policy in HSLDA, the unified NCFCA, or Stoa, starting from 2012. In 25 years, a total of 200 team policy slots were available. Among the debaters he has worked one-on-one with, 35 individuals have reached the Final Four stage an impressive 42 times. When specifically focusing on Team Policy, more than one in every six Final Four debaters received one-on-one coaching from Mr. Clark during their debating careers. This accounts for almost 20% of all the competitors who have reached the Final Four in Team Policy. It has been a tremendous honor for Mr. Clark to work alongside these talented individuals and witness their growth and success in the world of debate.
2004: Provided judge orientation in Team Policy throughout California.
2007: Served as Clash's lead Parli coach and taught the first summer debate camps.
2009-2012: Selected as the founding debate chair for Stoa.
2009: Wrote Team Policy Debate rules for Stoa.
2009-2012: Offered talks on Advanced Debate Theory in Team Policy and Parli at various tournaments in California upon request from club leaders. The talk were incorporated into the early NITOCs and eventually formalized as Stoa Academy.
2009-2011: Wrote Parliamentary Debate rules for Stoa. Organized all the Parli demonstration events in Stoa on the West Coast until Parli was officially accepted as a Stoa competition event.
2010-2012: Organized debate judge orientation for the first three NITOCs. At the 2010 NITOC, along with founding Stoa President Scott York, I met with North Texas coaches who agreed to join Stoa under the condition that Parli would be offered. With the addition of Colorado and Texas to California, Stoa became a national speech and debate league. Parliamentary debate contribute to the creation of Stoa.
2011: Organized the first Parli summer camp on the West Coast.
2012: Served as the tournament director for the first Stoa Parli qualifier on the West Coast.
2012: Led a delegation of California Parli competitors to the last PITOC in Dallas, resulting in one of my teams won the National Championship in Parli. The success of this tournament demonstrated that Parli was an event of national scope and convinced the Stoa leadership to add Parliamentary Debate to NITOC starting in 2013.
2013 - Present: Wrote Parli resolutions for tournament directors for local events across the nation and NITOCs.
2009 - 2022: Offered talks at Stoa Academies on Advanced Debate Theory for Team Policy, Parliamentary Debate, and Club Leadership.